Be the Best Version Of You

I`m happy to be Me. And being me it`s not that easy actually. It takes a lot of effort to feel yourself and to be happy to be what you are. I make sure to do these steps to Be Happy with who I am.

Every day i wake up and face my day with a Smile šŸ˜‰ `cause I know tha when you face your day with a smile, it will smile back to you. That`s what people do when you smile to them.

I know what want from myself. so I don`t start my day with a nothing-to-do. I make my T0-Do list before I go to sleep. So it`s easier to start my activities and it let me focus on how I do my activities better, instead of thinking of what should I do next!.

I know my goals in my life. So while I`m doing these tiny steps every day I feel more happy `cause I know that I`m gettng close to my dreams.

When I do my activities, I TAKE MY TIME. It`s few minutes that you are saving when you go in a rush, but you lose the quality. But if you take your time you will get two beautiful things: First you will do a perfect job, Second you will feel yourself doing something, something that will make you grow up.

I Read everyday. You have a big brain, and it will go weaker when you ignore it. Reading is one of the most good habits that peoploe ignoring these days. remember that Knowledge Is POWER.

I do sport every day, `cause your body will feel more happy when you take care of it, also your brain. Jogging and swimming are my favorite.

So, are you really acting like YOU?

Are “you now” the real one you want to be? or you wish to be someone else, someone better?

So what make you still living like this when you can be better?

There is always a way to make yourself better, but all you have to do is to act like the person you want to be, like the real you…

About nouronline

Hi, I`m Nour and I`m Happy.
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2 Responses to Be the Best Version Of You

  1. nourulhuda says:

    You’re lucky to be ” You ”
    Thank you very much for these marvelous pieces of advice

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